This week is Teacher Appreciation Week! And for the first time, I am on the parent side of this! My friend, Mandy, and I were talking about what we should do for our kids' teachers. She mentioned a frame she saw online with crayons glued to it...and knowing how many pictures are taken in Pre-K, I thought this was a super idea for lil man's three teachers!!
Here's what you need:
- Frame - I used 4x6 frames with a 1 1/2" flat border.
- Crayons - my frames took 32 crayons each
- Hot glue
- Card stock for the message in the frame
Here's what you do:
- I lined up the crayons at the top left and bottom right corners and glued. I didn't want the frame to look like an advertisement for Crayola, so I made sure that the Crayola logo wasn't facing on ALL of the crayons.
- After gluing the corner crayons, I measured and cut the crayons to fill in the rest of the blank frame. I suppose you could use a small saw, but my kitchen knife did the job just fine!!
Don't want to waste all the extra crayon pieces? Try {this project}!!!
- I tried to stick with a pattern with the shape I glued the crayons in.
- While I was gluing and cutting, lil man wrote, "Thank you" and his name on all of the 4x6" pieces of card stock for inside the frames. {I added the heart and clearly he's still working on some letters!!}
This is so adorable, love your son's handwriting! Such a cute idea! :)